Day: February 25, 2025

related ships

Human   with one another being Human   in actuality: in the Light of truth with one another - related in human forms  -  ships "related ships" (instead of relationships)   sovereigns - companions captains on the own life-ship one with…

my new human being of light

continously constantly receiving my Light within my body into my cells the luminosity of my Light receiving and allow it happen a new Light for a new Humanness

surrender to a new day

surrender is a total letting go and accepting "what-is" without knowing "what-will-be"   surrender with dignity and allowing the changes   a new space is open for a new Humanness within myself and with one another in the peace of allowing…

in ownership of the present

taking full possession of my presence my humanness taking full possession of my being authentic my oneness my being one born in the image of the source of all being   every being blossoming in love and contributing as unique expression…


self-love the strength into our new humanness humans are empowered through the love for one's self   to love myself is as coming home Home Coming and as we humans love life, so we love ourselves naturally   in love with myself…

dear one

you don't belong to me you belong with me   you  belong  with  me Love is flowing to you into all that you are all-pervading   dear companion - dear body IAm here to love you

Become Oneness

IAm the alchemizing gold. I am the change that is unfolding into new potential the power shift is within - like turning an hourglass: from a driven, outward-directed behavior, based on inner need to the inside, into an integrated "oneness" the power…


IAm "oneness" as an integrated being - in oneself "oneness" of self as a sovereign entity beyond doubt I don't give any energy to external turbulences I just would create more of them IT is my choice the resistance of right/wrong is over and loses…


  The game in space and time serves to sow seeds again and again that strive to blossom. (Tzolkin)   Paradox of simultaneous time in linear time everything exists simultaneously in many experiences at the same time and everything happens…

the light of consciousness is immediate

ascension can be understood as the embodiment of the soul and reintegration of higher aspects and there is a retracing of one's own incarnation journey in all dimensions it is an opening into one's own "cosmic consciousness", into the human nature…