a New ART of Living

The old rules change. We are already viewing reality in a new way. For humanity, this All Life Transformation is a gift. Humankind will become aware of and trust their own potentials and abilities, and remember their multidimensional BEING.

KoMbo ART is also describing my way of assisting. Life is a work of Art. The inherent beauty of each human being.
IAm present in your transformative processes with the power of my soul: present, at the moment, when aspects, the emotions and feelings in resonance show up.
Simultaneously a moving and resolving of stuck energies is taking place – humorously I call myself an “energy ambulance”, in the sense of sorting, emptying, clarifying; into a lightness of being.
I inspire you: to change words into those that liberate, expand, and create a higher consciousness mindset and invite you to find Trust in Your Self, to accompany, to empower YOU. Inspiration is by nature a spiritual force. It loosens the grip of your mental beliefs and opens you.

IAm giving Safe Space

and being a companion on your inner way to freedom. Voice is a powerful medium and transmits in different frequencies. And what feels like an inspiring, even humorous exchange is actually intense energy work. In compassion with one another it can be delightful to let go, to expand – to experience in ease. I act as a source of inspiration into a New togetherness, into a New version of unity.

the future is the past healed

Letting go is accepting and allowing: To integrate or overcome something, we first must own it – love it completely. Whatever we can not accept in ourselves, we project on the other. “Shadow work” is the art of making the unconscious conscious and the unacceptable acceptable. The way out of the drama is the way through the drama – into acceptance.

To resolve means to immerse yourself in the experience and the depths of the emotions, so that falling out of the resonances, a passing, can happen. And with a full understanding: “now that I know completely, I can let go” – and from within, from a cleared heart, the New arises.

“Letting go” means trusting the spontaneity of your being, your energy and power, and giving yourself to the energy of your own life. The word “surrender” may seem exaggerated, but every element of nature gives itself to life. So also every atom of your body. Granting yourself to the power of your life means trusting the great life energies within and outside of nature that have given birth to the universe and to you as well.” (Seth SlB Si.V.10.06.84)

a safe space for acceptance and integration

I encourage, inspire you in BEing Your Self and in allowing Your authentic ART
Arriving is acceptance: to agree with what-was, what-is and what-will-be.

Learn to sail through the storms of change without setting anchor, even at high waves, stay at the wheel and keep the course, trust completely the Lifestream in which the captain of your ship navigates.

Process-assistance in the KoMbo-Haven: It is about your personal transformation and exploring your life situation. I support and encourage you, no matter what topics you come from. Individual hours or intensive accompaniment with the power of my soul, even over a longer period of time. My multidimensional communication skills and the vibrations in the KoMbo room are at your disposal.

Time-out in the KoMbo-Haven: It is possible to leave the everyday routine and stay in a separate apartment for a period of time. You are welcome to use the vibration in the KoMbo space for you and to exchange with me, even spontaneously – no need – just allowing to happen. Experiences tell, that what wants to be seen and recognized, will come into perception. This kind of “break” can also be associated with intensive process-assistance. To be with one another and perceive and feel: to open up and to embody new steps for you.

Get in touch with me