Gaia Sophia
The human spirit, the physical world and the origin of universal creation are intelligent design, inseparable from each other: Creation of an omnipresent Intelligence, which we call God, Originator, Source, "All-That-Is" or "One-Life Consciousness"…
future in my, in our hands
the healed past IS the future new thoughts new steps beyond repetitions that no longer serve beyond fears that cling to the familiar courageous no longer giving voice to fears respond in one of love and trust in the creative life in this unifying…
being aware of myself perceiving the individual in its uniqueness and respecting everything perceived in its - unique - individuality and no longer responsible for the experiences of the other or to their experience as connected/bound to my own.……
it is time for true freedom
to be free is a way of life.... not a choice! free - from believing to be separate from life freed from the horror of mortality a release, integration and embodiment towards the radiance of the true self, towards a dignified way.... being huMan an…
IAm before all the stories IAm everlasting unbound of all stories IAm that which is conscious through all times IAm and experience myself in human form and I am aware that having a human form is only one aspect of all-that-IAm IAm and I love all…
deeply receptive being ready like an open gate without assumptions, no conditions.... open to receive living in grace and dignity we are in transition to a completely new reality (Wirklichkeit) realities that coexist with each other and alongside…
I surrender
tripping over joy What is the difference between your experience of existence and that of a saint? The saint knows that the spiritual path is a sublime chess game with God and that the beloved has just made such a fantastic move, that the saint is…
overflowing in abundance
"Fullness is a mood", that translates into "I have everything I need for this wonderful journey that is my life". (Don Juan) This mood stems from the loving spiritual current - inside and outside of each of us. Fullness means "overflowing". The…
to give way
to lay down the old self the old self, based on "resistance against" the origin of all life - originally - is the truth that unites us all no one is a victim of external forces - they do not exist feeling separate from the source is not the truth "a…