synchronistic life

Openness is a state in which there is no resistance. Ready to allow the waves, whatever they bring: to receive - unconditionally - with my whole being! beyond separating - painful - experiences.... Assumptions, ideas, expectations, judgments,…


KoMbo: BEing HuMan with one another, beyond separation, from heart to heart, genuinely. We are humans who have transformed outdated, binding and "blind" beliefs and do not believe in a savior or authority outside of us. We are accountable and…

everything is experience

in the expanded consciousness every being is holistically perfect neither good or bad, nor right or wrong.... everything is experience! The more I allow this expanded consciousness, giving space to this consciousness from within, a force is flowing…

ahoy KoMbo-HuMan!

to be true with others requires that I be true with myself - first of all it is necessary to clear one's own ship - first and foremost being sincere allowing my inner authority it is an individual feeling to be true to myself as a human being - to…


the essence of the completely sovereign self, which is complete in itself and needs nothing from outside....

align into the KoMbo-Life

KoMbo is not a way or a teaching and it is not a set of rules how to live. It is rather an invitation, a joyful YES! for a conscious new way of being human - and with one another: to understand Life in a new way.... with the perspective of being in…

ahoy Human!

ahoy HuMan! beyond everything that is separating "Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict." Rabindranath Tagore

KoMbo - Favicon

what remains is what has always been there

The longing for home - the memory of home - projected outwards - and we have searched, God, how much we have searched: in the other, in a new place, in doing, in giving, in sharing, in new stories ... always leading away from ourselves caused…

sharing is caring

"sharing is caring" it seems easy... to say...  "sharing is caring"....  true? Lysander Anayo translated: "sharing with one another is caring for one another" and he expressed it in his truthfulness, that can be felt, when "with one another" is…