future in my, in our hands

the healed past  IS  the future

new thoughts
new steps
beyond repetitions that no longer serve
beyond fears that cling to the familiar

no longer giving voice to fears
respond in one of love
trust in the creative life

in this unifying flow of life within.... in you.... in us

gracefully in joy
allowing and embodying oneness within

being the voice
for a new with one another

simply we  - with one another 💗 💗 💗 💗


being aware of myself

perceiving the individual in its uniqueness
and respecting everything perceived in its - unique - individuality

no longer responsible
for the experiences of the other
or to their experience
as connected/bound to my own.

looking with soft eyes
gentle and receptive in my being

IAm one
with the cosmic flow of life
naturally interwoven with Gaia Sophia
in constantly emerging creation
aware that true beauty is unfolding
with the look to the unifying - from sovereign to sovereign.

Image source: arte-sagrado

it is time for true freedom

to be free is a way of life....  not a choice!

free - from believing to be separate from life
freed from the horror of mortality

a release, integration and embodiment towards the radiance of the true self,
towards a dignified way.... being huMan

an acceptance of being responsible - no more blaming

life is movement - whole - formless - boundless - timeless
IAmWeAre movement
from human to human - an endless flow with one another

one-life-consciousness.... multidimensional flowing.... naturally expanding....
This consciousness is the unlimited playful creator.

being with "what-is" - within
your and my humanity forms - create - our society:
a sounding together, beyond sounding alike.

h u M a n
simply.... we with one another  

Humility: courage to give every life the space to unfold, in the knowledge,
that this is what makes one's own unfolding possible. (Richard Rudd)

present in love

in this love we are with one another


before all the stories

unbound of all stories

that which is conscious through all times

and experience myself in human form
and I am aware that having a human form is only one aspect of all-that-IAm

and I love all life
and Life loves me back


deeply receptive
being ready like an open gate

without assumptions, no conditions....  open to receive
living in grace and dignity

we are in transition to a completely new reality (Wirklichkeit)
realities that coexist with each other and alongside each other

allowing new ways of being and loving them
until they are real and worthy
anchor with the earth

to live truly with the earth means for the Navajo "to walk in beauty" (Hózhóogo)

I surrender

tripping over joy
What is the difference
between your experience of existence
and that of a saint?

The saint knows
that the spiritual path
is a sublime chess game with God
and that the beloved
has just made such a fantastic move,
that the saint is now continually
tripping over joy and bursting out in laughter and saying
“I surrender!”

Whereas, my dear,
I am afraid you still think
you have a thousand serious moves.
- Hafiz

an overflowing, unbridled unshakable joy:
beyond the duality of good and evil,
a kind of joy, that is rooted deep within itself,
in trust, in acceptance - "everything is alright in all of creation"....

surrender to the energy of your own life
trust in the power of nature, which is yourself

overflowing in abundance

"Fullness is a mood", that translates into
"I have everything I need for this wonderful journey that is my life". (Don Juan)

This mood stems from the loving spiritual current - inside and outside of each of us.
Fullness means "overflowing".

The inner essence of abundance of a cell is its perceptive ability to take in beneficial nourishment and expel what is not needed.
The receptors on its surface and the internal network of filaments and microtubules give a cell the unique ability to sense
the vibration of given circumstances and adapt its function and form accordingly.
Adaptability is supported by the cell's ability to perceive!

Abundance is being open, being connected with "all-that-is"....
a state of surrender, an eternal flow and a trust in life, deeply felt.
Being carried in the limitless, touching every level of life....

my love flows into all love and can be felt everywhere
this life is a gift to myself
I honor it - completely

to give way

to lay down the old self
the old self, based on "resistance against"

the origin of all life - originally - is the truth that unites us all
no one is a victim of external forces - they do not exist
feeling separate from the source is not the truth

"a fight against" strengthens the unredeemed energies and creates identity - nourishes the old self, based on resistance

the outer world
comes from the inner world

the surrender of the past is now!
it had been -- as a fulfilled past

a river’s fear of the ocean
They say before entering the sea,
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the way
that she has travelled, from the peaks,
the mountains, the long winding road
which crosses forests and villages,
and sees in front of her such a vast ocean
that entering it doesn’t seem anything else
than having to disappear forever.
But there’s no other way.
The river can’t go back.
No one can go back.
Going back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
and to enter the ocean.
It’s only when entering the ocean
that fear will disappear,
because it’s only then
that the river will know it’s not about
to disappear into the ocean,
but to become ocean.
- Khalil Gibran


synchronistic life

Openness is a state in which there is no resistance.

Ready to allow the waves, whatever they bring:
to receive - unconditionally - with my whole being!
beyond separating - painful - experiences....
Assumptions, ideas, expectations, judgments, beliefs and self-righteousness....
no holding back love....


remaining open and receptive
experiencing the self in its wholeness
perceiving - integrated connected
being present

without defining
without structuring
no worrying, no caring

synchronistic life is simple