the alchemizing gold.
I am
the change that is unfolding into new potential
the power shift is within – like turning an hourglass:
from a driven, outward-directed behavior, based on inner need
to the inside, into an integrated “oneness”
the power shift happens in the DNA:
the feminine principle – as the essence of beginning – the home within us – the feeling of unity
it is first
and it has no agenda
the masculine principle – is outward-directed – it has set out to explore and is the impulse: “I go”
in the balancing act of oneness – a mystery:
the feminine contains the masculine – and the masculine contains the feminine
in this balance of interaction, the feminine holds the space of infinite consciousness and the masculine as the creative act
in a new integrated way of being and existence
there is no longer any difference between
being and doing
doing and being
Becoming a new Human, beyond separation
….when we’ve found what we’re looking for
we’ll drop the bags and stop looking.
It’ll feel like heaven when we’re home.
(Heaven When We’re Home – The Wailin’ Jennys)