Amor Di Mundo  –  Love for the world
(sung by Cesària Èvora, text by Teofilo Chantre, in capverdean creol)

Nh’amor é doce  –  my Love is sweet
Nh’amor é certo  –  my Love is certain (true)
Nh’amor tá longe  –  my Love is far
Nh’amor tá perto  –  my Love is near
El ta na nim  –  it is within
‘M ca ta sozim
Ness mundo  –  I am not alone in this world

Nh’amor ca so di cretcheu  –  my Love is not only romantic
El é amor du crston – it is the Love of a christed one
Qui ca quré vivé
Na meio di breu  –  who does not want to live in the dark
Nh’amor é tudo qu’m tem   –   my Love is all that I got
El é amor dum irmon  –   it is the Love of a Brother
Qu’atè ainda
Ca perdè fé  –  who has not yet lost faith

Tcha’m cantá-bo nh’amor  –  I have already sung to you about my love
Ò mundo  –  ohh world
Tcha’m canta-bo nh’amor  –  I have sung my Love to you
Pa no amá  –  to love us

Pa no amá  –  to love us
Pa no amá….

Amor Di Mundo