The game in space and time serves
to sow seeds again and again that strive to blossom. (Tzolkin)
Paradox of simultaneous time in linear time
everything exists simultaneously
in many experiences at the same time
and everything happens “now”
and everything is change
the source consciousness that has split into infinitely diverse experiences
and is in the process of reuniting with itself
to integrate
in this timeline in which this happens
in this timeline in which this soul evolution is fulfilled
recognizing the role of others
that play in my life and for all my parts;
and my own parts,
in their diversity, play a role in my life and in the lives of others;
recognizing in gratefulness
beyond the idea of right and wrong
full expression of everything
full unfolding of everything
through my unlimited being,
as a conscious part here and now;
aware in all the changes
in this timespace of fulfillment
grateful for my part in this integration and transformation
Bild: Maya-Art